Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Notoriously Naughty Feature Team Member: Rashad Allen

Notoriously Naughty  Feature Team Member:  Rashad Allen

 Well it is that time again as we  NN feature one of our Team Members.  Rashad Allen is an up and coming  writer, photographer and graphic Artist, she dabbles in modeling.  She has brought a different dynamic to our team  as a Stud...she gives us in site to the many aspect of women sexuality .
Get to know her and explore the many faces of NN.  She host events, writes wonderfully and has great copy .

NN :Tell  us about yourself?

Rashad :My  name is Rashad. I'm 23 years old. I had a healthy beautiful daughter in 2009. Ill be 24 in October. I'm currently a warehouse worker. I soon plan to attend school and further my knowledge in photography and mix engineering so that i can do more things that i love. I'm currently writing a book which i plan to have done before the end of the year. Stay tuned in for that, its a book you couldn't ever imagine. 

NN:  Describe your  biggest fear?

Rashad : There's really nothing that I'm particularly afraid of.  Like most people my biggest fear is failure. I am afraid that if i fail at anything i wont be capable of everything. So i push my self so I wont have to feel and think the worst. But on another hand i do have a fear of bridges. All bridges that cross over water an takes for ever most definitely pumps fear in my heart.

NN:  If  you  had one chance to change something in the world  what would it be?

Rashad :Hmmm. If i could change anything in the world it would have to be getting all these homeless folks off the streets all over the nation. I feel for them because i was once there. There is ways out of that situation yes but for some there isnt and people just turn them down from everything when they are really in need of some serious help. I dont know everyones testimony what they been through or why they are where they are but i do know its never a problem to lend a helping hand or a little guidance to success. 

NN:  What is your 5 year goal?

Rashad: In 5 years I plan on being the next Ansel Adams or even Annie Liebovitz, taking the best photos of whatever I may become focused on in these next few years to photograph. Im also trying to be better than Jaycen Joshua and Leslie Braithwaite working with artists more talented than they have worked with. Even though they have years ahead of me. Um my 5th an final goal for 5 years is to have 2 best selling books an be a well accomplished wife author an mother.

NN:  What is your favorite body on yourself?

Rashad: Well I wouldnt say I have a favorite lol but if i had to choose I would say my boobs. Im not going to elaborate on my reason but alot of people (including my wife) compliment them. I love boobies in general thats another reason i choose them.

NN:  What is your  biggest challenge in being  an artist?

Rashad :   I wouldnt say i had a biggest challenge. I mean i love what i do an i do what i love so if im interested focused an striving for the best  I find no challenges. My challenge is being held back.

NN:  If you could only take five things on a  desert island  what they would be?

 Rashad: A duffel bag full of paper and pens
A picture of my wife and kids
A bed set (comforter sheets etc)
A tent
And the biggest bag I could find that would fit all the snack I  want to eat after my medicine.