Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Feature Notoriously Naughty Model Breone and her take on Mature Subject Matter

Today's Mature Subject Matter......

Often times we use a sexual conversation to break the ice because we assume that it's the easiest conversation to have but have you ever questioned the motives of that person or found yourself categorizing them because the started off getting to know you sexually first. There is a skill to that line of communication and there is an etiquette to using that to balance the attention you want with the interest you have. Erotic conversation expands beyond your normal " what's your fantasy or favorite sexual position it's the foundational structure you lay to the road you would like to travel with you love interest. There is an art to this form of erotica and it does take practice. The appeal is creating what I call a " mindful attraction" the appeal to the naughty side eager to come out that fears the rejection. By taking the most simplistic things like massages, candles, and poetry and specifically focusing on a non traditional body part or place begin to develop that story and the erotic replay will begin with her mental. Remember when u inspire the mind the heart will follow.. Erotically speaking

Chocolate kisses from your exotic erotic Ms. BRE'

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