Monday, May 11, 2015

Notoriously Naughty Feature Model of the Month : Rayne Randall

Notoriously Naughty Feature Model of the Month :  Rayne Randall

  Well NN Friends Family and Fans it is that time again the Notoriously Naughty Feature Model.
This Month it is our own Eye Candy with a Brain Rayne Randall....So take a few seconds and peek into the NN World and meet on our team members.

NN:  Tell us a little about yourself....

Rayne:  Hey all, it's Ms. Rayne. Hmm, where do I start, well I am a current full time student at Arizona State University studying Criminal Justice. I am also a Dance minor at ASU, while on the side taking every ballet and jazz and hip-hop class I can. On top of being a student, I have two jobs and and internship in the Juvenile Courts system.  Although it may look like a lot to deal with, I manage to keep everything organized and have a great head on my shoulders.

NN:   What are your goals in the next 5 years?

Rayne:  My overall goals within the next five years is to be steady in my career path and hopefully starting my family. I hope to be investing in a house and saving for the rest of my life.

NN:What is the most challenging part for your about modeling?

The most challenging part of my modeling is my weight. Being a plus size model brings up a lot of insecurities in ones self and that can block opportunities.Those insecurities can take over and make me believe that I am not good enough. Although this is a struggle that a lot of plus size models face, the push to want to prove people wrong is what drives me to do more in this industry. 

NN:What is your favorite body part?

There is not just one part of my body that I like the most, I like my whole figure. There are parts of my body that I would like to change, which I am currently working on, but my whole figure is what makes me, me. 

NN:What is the one thing your fear the most?

One thing that I fear the most is failure. Failure can come in many forms, but the worst form is when it comes like a crashing wave. All you can do is try your best for success. 
Just remember, life can bring you many different situations, so do with them as you see fit. But don't forget who you are and strive for greatness for yourself, not anyone else.

So now you are in the know about Ms Rayne..........

Thursday, April 9, 2015



There is a reason more than just being sexually free we are called Notoriously Naughty we love Jokes!!!!!
So here is one for a Friday Eve:

A husband, proving to his wife that women talk more than men, showed her a study which indicated that men use about 15,000 words a day, whereas women use 30,000 words a day.
She thought about this, then told her husband that women use twice as many words as men because they have to repeat everything they say.
Looking stunned, he said, “What?”

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Notoriously Naughty Feature Model of the Month: Naughty Diamond

Notoriously Naughty Feature Model of the Month :  Naughty Diamond

This months feature  Model of the Month is NN's Naughty Diamond.   She has been with the  Notoriously for   2 years.


ND:  Hello loves my name is Leatha Tompkins , but I go by Naughty Diamond.  I am a mother of  3
a proud mother at that.  I strive very hard at everything that I do, as a Mother as a person, just in general .  I work full time as well as being a full time mother . I also Host events, model and exotic dance.  The crazy thing is the pole and the music turns me on mentally, physically and sexually .  I tell people it brings out the Gemini in me  #2 Sides.

NN:  What is the one thing you fear the most?

ND:  If I had to pick one thing I fear , it would be my kids getting older and growing up in this crazy world, because it is so easy to get lost in it .  That is why as a mother and a parent we to stay firm and pay close attention to our children.

NN:  What is it like to be in this industry and in a relationship?

ND: To be in this industry is a win lose situation.  It is all about morals, respect and goals, because  society will eat you alive if you worry about perception you will turned down alive in full effect.
Being honest when I stepped in to the game as a plus size model it was not easy I had to find my balance, but what makes you a winner is going hard and no turning back. Your mind set is ready and you can not step weak into the game at all.  As for a relationship the best advice is when you are in a relationship in this game keep your fan base and social media and media out of is a cold game.

NN:  What is your favorite body part?

ND: Being honest my favorite body part is my ass  there is something about it that just fits me. I like  the way it moves, claps and  feels. But hey that is my perception

NN:  What are your goals in 5 years

ND.  My goals in five years is the opening of my up coming boutique .  I love fashion it is something about it , it excites me. But also it is something that  my babies can pick up . I must say getting older as a woman and getting my feet wet in the game I would love to write my own book moving forward to empire to uplift women.

Thank you for your time I appreciate  you
Love Naughty Diamond.
Follow me on Instagram @thickleab
Book me for parties events and shoots  on Facebook Leatha Thompkins

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Notoriously Naughty Feature Team Member: Rashad Allen

Notoriously Naughty  Feature Team Member:  Rashad Allen

 Well it is that time again as we  NN feature one of our Team Members.  Rashad Allen is an up and coming  writer, photographer and graphic Artist, she dabbles in modeling.  She has brought a different dynamic to our team  as a Stud...she gives us in site to the many aspect of women sexuality .
Get to know her and explore the many faces of NN.  She host events, writes wonderfully and has great copy .

NN :Tell  us about yourself?

Rashad :My  name is Rashad. I'm 23 years old. I had a healthy beautiful daughter in 2009. Ill be 24 in October. I'm currently a warehouse worker. I soon plan to attend school and further my knowledge in photography and mix engineering so that i can do more things that i love. I'm currently writing a book which i plan to have done before the end of the year. Stay tuned in for that, its a book you couldn't ever imagine. 

NN:  Describe your  biggest fear?

Rashad : There's really nothing that I'm particularly afraid of.  Like most people my biggest fear is failure. I am afraid that if i fail at anything i wont be capable of everything. So i push my self so I wont have to feel and think the worst. But on another hand i do have a fear of bridges. All bridges that cross over water an takes for ever most definitely pumps fear in my heart.

NN:  If  you  had one chance to change something in the world  what would it be?

Rashad :Hmmm. If i could change anything in the world it would have to be getting all these homeless folks off the streets all over the nation. I feel for them because i was once there. There is ways out of that situation yes but for some there isnt and people just turn them down from everything when they are really in need of some serious help. I dont know everyones testimony what they been through or why they are where they are but i do know its never a problem to lend a helping hand or a little guidance to success. 

NN:  What is your 5 year goal?

Rashad: In 5 years I plan on being the next Ansel Adams or even Annie Liebovitz, taking the best photos of whatever I may become focused on in these next few years to photograph. Im also trying to be better than Jaycen Joshua and Leslie Braithwaite working with artists more talented than they have worked with. Even though they have years ahead of me. Um my 5th an final goal for 5 years is to have 2 best selling books an be a well accomplished wife author an mother.

NN:  What is your favorite body on yourself?

Rashad: Well I wouldnt say I have a favorite lol but if i had to choose I would say my boobs. Im not going to elaborate on my reason but alot of people (including my wife) compliment them. I love boobies in general thats another reason i choose them.

NN:  What is your  biggest challenge in being  an artist?

Rashad :   I wouldnt say i had a biggest challenge. I mean i love what i do an i do what i love so if im interested focused an striving for the best  I find no challenges. My challenge is being held back.

NN:  If you could only take five things on a  desert island  what they would be?

 Rashad: A duffel bag full of paper and pens
A picture of my wife and kids
A bed set (comforter sheets etc)
A tent
And the biggest bag I could find that would fit all the snack I  want to eat after my medicine.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Notoriously Naughty Club Crawl: The Pisces Extravaganza

The place to be if you reside in the Bay Area  tomorrow night is the Dragon you know NN loves to club hop from club to club get our turn up on....but tomorrow night  we will be in one spot ....the Dragon Rouge with the  Love and Hip Hollywood Star Hazel E.....Pisces Extravaganza We love Venue 101 and the grown and sexy events they put on with DJ Juice and Dj Fizz... this night is sure to be a blast and of course sure to sell out fast....

Look for Ms Notoriously Naughty Niika Badd to be in the building for sure.....

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Notoriously Naughty Feature Model of the Month : April Johnson AKA Aj the Entertainer

Notoriously Naughty Feature Model of the Month  :  April Johnson AKA  Aj the Entertainer

If you did not know what part of the NN mission statement is  well let us say it is all about celebrating a woman's sexuality and her walk whether she is gay or straight  or bi- curious or fat or skinny  ... With that being said we would like to introduce you to one of our newest models/ team member/ dancer....Her name is April Johnson Aka Aj the Entertainer....she is what is known as a stud.....  We sat down with her and had a little interview with her..

Notoriously Naughty : Tell us about yourself

 Aj  I was born and raised in Oakland California 1 of 4 children Hazel Eyes Birthday 06/28/86 ♋ #Cancer, Single, I have no kids.  My favorite food  is seafood.  My favorite color is red.  In my spare
time  I like working out, cooking, acting and raising an adorable Siamese Cat.

Notoriously Naughty:  What made you decide to join NN?

Aj:  A Great Way To Create A Name For Myself. Exposure..

Notoriously Naughty:What are your 5 year goals ?

Aj:Own a house.. Settle down

Notoriously Naughty:  Is being a Stud Model/entertainer difficult?

Aj:  Not difficult necessarily, but Challenging. This industry will eat you alive if you let em. You have to be willing to put up a fight.

Notoriously Naughty :What is one of the things about yourself you are most proud of?

Aj: No matter how hard I may fall, I always get back up.

 Notoriously Naughty :What is one thing you would improve on?

Aj: Learning How To Say "No" without an explanation...

  Notoriously Naughty :  What is the one thing you would like to say to help encourage a up and coming stud model/entertainer?

Aj:  Be an individual, you're automatically gonna stand out because society labels us their own way, but be yourself and true to  yourself and true to your talents.

We believe here at NN she is one to watch !! 

Thursday, January 29, 2015

NN Club Crawl!!!!! She-centric Aquarius Edition

NN Club Crawl!!!!!  She-centric  Aquarius Edition

The weekend is coming up and all things are wide open as you know NN loves to network hold events as well as club hop!!!!
This Friday We have our own Event.....From our She-centric division  Girls who like Girls......

or bi curious   ....We will be out here at the Shadow  Ultra Oakland CA........  we are going to have the Fabulous Niika Badd Gracing the dance floor, Debuting Aj the Entertainer....... and Lieutenant   and host of Fem and Stud dancers.....entrance 5 from 10:00 to 10:30 and $10 all night long ..........

A Person you should get to know : Entrepreneur Michael Tatmon Jr Founder/Owner/ CEO of YaDig I Dug

A Person you should get to know:  Entrepreneur  Michael Tatmon Jr

Michael Tatmon is a dynamic business man, you might see him grace our post with his modeling skills, or one of the promoters of the club events that NN loves.....what we can say is he is on the move....his unique brand and concept makes him one of NN 's Person you should know in 2015:
Notoriously Naughty: Explain the concept behind YADIG IDUG?

Michael : Concept behind Yadig? Idug! All humans capable of success. No excuse attitude. Dig until you get what you need in life.

Notoriously Naughty : What made you decide to go into business for yourself?

Mike :Since Junior High I have always had a business mind and always wanted my own business doing something I love.

Notoriously Naughty : What are goals for your company in the next 5 years?

Mike: This first 5 years ending next year in June. I was focusing on building my brand and getting the exposure I needed locally and internationally. It was not about the money. Next 5 years I push to expand and really start seeing the money role in.

Notoriously Naughty:  What is the hardest thing about doing business in the Bay Area?

Hardest thing about doing business in Bay Area. Aot if people got the get over attitude. Some people lack creativity. Its a hard market to keep attention with a lot going on.

Notoriously Naughty:  What are the challenges of being a black business owner?

Mike :Challenge of being a black business owner you get less help from your people and government. You have to prove you a legit business day in and out.

Notoriously Naughty:  What is the impact on you work life balance being a business owner?

Impact is it just make me more ambitious and ready to take over world so I eventually just work for me.

Notoriously Naughty:  Give us a little history lesson on Michael Tatmon Jr?

Mike :History on me. First in family to Graduate a 4 year college or get a college degree.

Notoriously Naughty:  What is your biggest success and failure?

Mike : Biggest success starting my business. I have no big failure cause we all make life decisions. So no regrets.

Notoriously Naughty : What advise would you give someone deciding to be an Entrepreneur

Mike :Go for it. You have to take some risk. You will lose some money. But that's part of business and growth to be successful.

Here is a little Looky loo at Mike as we are always Notoriously Naughty....there is more to Mike than just a smart business man he is good Eye Candy toooo !!

Monday, January 19, 2015

The NN Club Crawl : Showtime at Karibbean City in Oakland CA

One of our other favorite spots is  New Karibbean City in Oakland , but  what we like  to see is all the hot new talent coming out of the Bay Area and showing their skills....
But our favorite is the triple threat performer, host Alex the gamer.....A lot of folks sleep on his skills 
So come out at enjoy something a little different this Wednesday.

Alex is  multifaceted  with a winning personality  great customer service and always makes a dull moment exciting, his cypher skills are hot yet soulful with that Northern California sound..... if you did not know we suggest you come out to Showtime and experience Alex the Gamer and his Showtime experience. 

Wednesday January 21st #Showtime at Karibbean City in Oakland. Slide thru.

The NN Club Crawl : Flex

Notorously Naughty loves to network and host events and we have several clubs in the East Bay we well as our own events we host

So let's talk about some our favorite weekly events it happens every Thursday is Flex....FLEX wit it! ROCK wit it! BOUNCE wit it! DROP wit it! Oakland Era 19 Grand Avenue ! #Reggae #Dancehall Mashups by Henry Deejay Henroc Palmer, Awticalz Dee, & DJ'Polo Moxquuz!! See you pon di dance floor!

This Event is hot and brought to you by Spicy Mama T Promotions..... you find that hot reggae sound and vibe you are looking for  come out and enjoy .