Thursday, May 30, 2013

VIXEN : A Notoriously Naughty Novella

"Every Time I touch his skin I want to melt. I try my best to stay professional but I swear he can read my body language."
Coming Soon to
featuring The Notoriously Naughty: Ms.Coffey


NN Boot Camp Corner:

Here our Boot Campers submit an article every week to share their insights and journey through our rigorous training as well just their plain point of view , you will begin to see some of their work emerge as well  .

Professional (Model)
Being a model in this day in age to a lot of people means something different. Let me “KiwiMarie” let you in on something.  A lot of people want to be a model because it's glamorous, lucrative and you might want to be recognized in the modeling world. Modeling is extremely competitive. A lot of models want to be a model because they think they are” beautiful” and/or “thick” and some might be. First, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and that means you, inside and out. You may have beauty on the outside but ugly as hell on the inside. In this modeling world if that is the case you will not get far in this business. Women may say to them self “How is she a model” “She not cute” “I can do better”. What women don’t understand is the hard work the patience and most confidence and dedication. Secondly being “thick” is not what you may seem. Thick is not just being big in the chest and big in the thighs it is a package.  In other words a "thick" girl has a curvy/slim waist with a big behind, hips, and thighs, all have and should complement one another. To get this you must stay healthy, eat healthy and Exercise to maintain that thickness.
A female who wants to get in this game needs to know what kind of model he/she wants to be because technically, anybody can be a model: A plus Size Model, A Runway Model, A Print Model, An Underwear Model or other types of modeling such as foot, hair, or hand model. In all this a Model should know who they are and be professional in all aspects.
                Anyone can be a model but being a professional model is another level. Professional and confidence could get you far. Be that model that others want to be around and want to get to know. It’s a learning experience and a whole different world.  A professional model must be a role model, be educated beyond the business, valuable, and watch out for contradictions. Most of all a model must LOVE WHAT THEY DO!
If you want to be a model it comes with a lot of hard work and patience. To be or become a professional model one must think outside “YOUR” box, doing things that you may not be comfortable with. Just *Think* *Decide* *Breath* and *Do* First Think “is this me, can I do this?  Decide Yes or No? Either you are or you are not? Take a big Breath in and out, and Do.
Anyone can be a model, know which model you are and Rock it. Remember whatever one you choice have confidence and be professional.
                KISSES, KIWI

" It's The Little Things"

     " It's The Little Things"

As a single mom working 2 jobs ,30 minutes alone is a luxury.When those small window's of opportunity presents themselves , I take full advantage of it . You should as well a long hot bubble bath is always a golden token with a nice selection of (R&B)With the right bedroom toy. Some pink Moscoto (chilled),candles , and a locked door,Mother's fine time to treat her
self because we all deserve it . 30 minutes anywhere on earth can be made pleasurable.


    "It's The Little Things"
                                                       XoXo Leatha 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Facebook and it's Guerrilla Pimping ways

Facebook and it's Guerrilla Pimping ways

Notoriously Naughty burst on the Facebook scene in June of 2011 we were a small company with 5 models and no fans , new to social media we began learning the in and outs of Social Media in marketing , always following there rules making sure our ladies were dressed we had a few hiccups of course with ladies angry that their hubbies were looking and this beautiful women of color but we fell into a groove growing steadily for the last 2 years as we grew closer to that magic number of 10k likes Facebook began using algorithms and other foreign computer geeky words and deemed some of our fans as unworthy because well they were from different countries...other than the GREAT USA....(but isn't FB global?)    so we lost 4400 fans in a space of week and in the corner of  our fan page if you would like more likes buy them here from FACEBOOK MARKETING......ranging from 5 dollars a day to 30 dollars...I scoffed what buy back my fans that we had worked tirelessly to gain......NOT I.    So we grew back those 4k fans never to see the mighty 9823 again in fact we stay hopeless stuck at 9500.

Then this lovely little app became available it was called page manager, and it would tell me how my page would have 99 new fans...ohhhh how excited I was but a las for some strange reason the needle on the likes never moved and in fact my fans who where talking about us shrank to 100 when we used to have 5k to 6k engaging and talking....and in that corner that little buy from us (FACEBOOK) window would flash....hmmmm

Now today We are formally been restricted from receiving any new fans and all buttons pointing to our page have been disabled....because our fans who share our page are coming from  a source other than Facebook bought likes.....How could this be I thought we follow the rules what have we done wrong ...I appealed:

Here is what I said:

I am appealing this due to the fact that we do not buy our likes we  have a large team of models over 40 to be exact, we have a healthy fan base which we grew organically.  I find your rules to

be  contradictory and are unfair and deceptive.  While we do not buy likes from an out side source we do have a web page, and a blog, and our fans come from that outside source which again are organically grown, however you are restricting our fans by not allowing them to filter through because they were not BOUGHT FROM FACEBOOK, you first put a restriction on our page from the 26th of may until June 26th now we have a new restriction until the 3rd of June.  Again we have done nothing wrong our ladies are of color which seems suspect we are clothed nor are we doing a sex act,yet you allow playboy hustler and various pages show unclothed women porn to spam our private pages daily, but a black owned company, with black models who follow the rules you have restricted this seems to me SMACK OF RACISM and Guerrilla Tactics and extortion in order to get our page the equal time that far worse pages that are NOT of color or blatant pornography the free reign.  We believe this was done with prejudice.   

However Facebook denied our appeal ....and as punishment for speaking out added new restrictions we can not post pictures now either....FOR SHAME

FACEBOOK IS FAKE-BOOK....AND NOT GOOD FOR THE SMALL BUSINESS OWNER.....a 30 dollar a day budget for advertising on their site might be small to some firms but as a small business owner that is huge fees in advertising.     So We have not argued any more we have been promoting on Twitter and Google, we know not to Promote on Instagram because Facebook owns that and your pictures and can sell them if they feel like it.........So Back to the drawing board.......but one thing is for certain FACEBOOK sure was a better social world when it was privately held

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The  Boot Camp Section

Here we give our budding NN Spoke Models a place to speak their mind and show their sexiest part of their body.....Their Mind


    Forgiveness is mustering up genuine compassion for those who have wronged you. Family, friends or lovers. Forgiveness is to lift burdens that you may have been carrying for years. Without forgiveness comes anger and resentment. I once felt that way.
     We as women are suppose to forgive by nature so they say. We are able to forgive and forget but do we really? With actions comes reactions and consequences. I was so upset with some of the things that happen in my life and those who caused my pain that I became mean, gave no one a change to get close a wall was built.
       We as women must find it in our self to actually and truly forgive. Finding yourself is forgiving ones self and loving others. I was a victim of not forgiving now i am a survivor. I can walk with a smile with my head up and my confidence shinning.
         Love your enemies or those who harmed you. That is the only way we a woman can move one and strive for greatness with a smile.
         " You must forgive your pass to allow forgiveness in your future"
Boots on the Ground    NN Brand Model.....Marquita Lacy

" Stepping out your comfort zone sexually "

                                "  Stepping out your comfort zone sexually "

Ladies and gentleman the most important thing is braking out your comfort zone ,when it comes to sex you have to let out all those mixed emotions mentally and physically. Thinking about things outside the box is the key you can not leave everything up to your partner our husbands they our not your mind reader's. You have to keep your sex game spontaneous . Because you want that person to want you more and to satisfy both of your desires sexually mentally,physically, and   emotionally so let me give you a few suggestions.

1) The riding sometimes can begin to get boring if you use the same method ladies and gentleman so try hanging off the edge of your bed, Ass up in the air with a good arch arms down strong on the floor where you can take every inch in with a deep stroke  and ladies grab your toy and put it on your Pearl tongue and I promise you  will get the best explosion ever, willing to be uninhabited is the key.
2) Men and women love oral sex its always what puts the fire out but at the same time make it nasty how about (whip cream honey chocolate etc.)use some type of flavor to keep it tasty everyone has a sweet tooth.
3) Ladies try a pole in your bedroom there's nothing more fun than putting on your own personal show giving a little tease is always fun and a major plus.
4) Cold objects our always nice especially for those with piercings ice cubs always trigger's off your hot spots from your neck to your breast to his chest to your belly button to your clit to his shaft I promise it will send chill's up your spine .  
  These our a few suggestions ladies and gentleman so lets keep our sex lives spontaneous and lively.  
From the tantalizing pen of Leatha West

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Best Quickie

The Best Quickie 

It’s date night and she is in the bathroom getting dressed, doing her hair and makeup. Walk in the bathroom hug her from the back tilt her head over and kiss her neck. She is going to giggle and ask you what you’re doing. Don’t answer just keep kissing her neck. Then lick her neck and ear. If she leans her head back, closes her eyes and lets out that long breath; you got her right where you want her. Assuming that she is not finished with her hair take your hand and put it in her hair make sure you are touching the scalp and rub her head then gently lean her over. Pull her dress up or slide those pants down. Start off slow then have her put her leg on the counter. Once her leg is up there go to town on her let her have every inch. This is a quickie so keep it under 5 minutes. When you’re done put her leg down and pull her dress back down. Kiss her on the forehead slap her on the booty and ask her why she taken so long as you walk out the bathroom.


Forehead kiss
Deep passionate kiss
Friendly kiss
Sexual kiss
Sensual kiss
Cheek kiss
Body kiss
Tongue kiss
Shoulder kiss
Neck kiss
Hand kiss
A$$ kiss
Special kiss
Annoyed kiss
Shut up kiss
Make-up kiss
Love and War kiss
Guilt kiss
Wrong kiss
Mothers kiss
I Love you kiss
I’m here for you kiss
Excited kiss
Sad kiss
Spur of the moment kiss
Awkward kiss
Why did I do that kiss
Movie kiss
Where have been kiss
Hand on back of the head kiss
Take me I’m yours kiss
Which kiss describes your last kiss?

                                                                               Angel Smith

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Niika Badd ......Badd to the Bone

Niika Badd .....Badd to the Bone

Niika Badd is bad to the bone ...with her Naughty come hither bedroom eyes her secertive little side smirk...
you are in for a  Surprise.  Niika has  burst on to the Urban modeling a part of the NN Modeling /Host staff she is open and friendly with a business savvy that one would not guess with all those curves.
As she takes the Modeling world by storm Explore her and she will win you over!!!!

Role Playing


                         Role Playing

Long term sex can be satisfying but adding a secret ingredient of role playing sex into your bedroom can make it  electrifying or hot.  It can change your sex life for the better if you know the rules?

Sometimes trying on costumes or sexy lingerie costumes for your mate which brings out the fun in the bedroom and also the fantasies comes along with it which is better than regular sex. Next choose a character that best describes you or you would like for example:

Me, I would probably go along and choose to be a nurse to role play, First I would have to make sure my mate(patient) is feeling better by taking his temperature hoping that he is hot and know that he is ready then by cooling down his temperature I would give him a little wine to cool it off a little then take him to the bed to rest or to get into the position I want him in, then to start the sex or love making I would give him a sex shot to get him going. Now that's a little fun in the bedroom and full of surprises.
