Thursday, May 23, 2013

The  Boot Camp Section

Here we give our budding NN Spoke Models a place to speak their mind and show their sexiest part of their body.....Their Mind


    Forgiveness is mustering up genuine compassion for those who have wronged you. Family, friends or lovers. Forgiveness is to lift burdens that you may have been carrying for years. Without forgiveness comes anger and resentment. I once felt that way.
     We as women are suppose to forgive by nature so they say. We are able to forgive and forget but do we really? With actions comes reactions and consequences. I was so upset with some of the things that happen in my life and those who caused my pain that I became mean, gave no one a change to get close a wall was built.
       We as women must find it in our self to actually and truly forgive. Finding yourself is forgiving ones self and loving others. I was a victim of not forgiving now i am a survivor. I can walk with a smile with my head up and my confidence shinning.
         Love your enemies or those who harmed you. That is the only way we a woman can move one and strive for greatness with a smile.
         " You must forgive your pass to allow forgiveness in your future"
Boots on the Ground    NN Brand Model.....Marquita Lacy

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