Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Facebook and it's Guerrilla Pimping ways

Facebook and it's Guerrilla Pimping ways

Notoriously Naughty burst on the Facebook scene in June of 2011 we were a small company with 5 models and no fans , new to social media we began learning the in and outs of Social Media in marketing , always following there rules making sure our ladies were dressed we had a few hiccups of course with ladies angry that their hubbies were looking and this beautiful women of color but we fell into a groove growing steadily for the last 2 years as we grew closer to that magic number of 10k likes Facebook began using algorithms and other foreign computer geeky words and deemed some of our fans as unworthy because well they were from different countries...other than the GREAT USA....(but isn't FB global?)    so we lost 4400 fans in a space of week and in the corner of  our fan page if you would like more likes buy them here from FACEBOOK MARKETING......ranging from 5 dollars a day to 30 dollars...I scoffed what buy back my fans that we had worked tirelessly to gain......NOT I.    So we grew back those 4k fans never to see the mighty 9823 again in fact we stay hopeless stuck at 9500.

Then this lovely little app became available it was called page manager, and it would tell me how my page would have 99 new fans...ohhhh how excited I was but a las for some strange reason the needle on the likes never moved and in fact my fans who where talking about us shrank to 100 when we used to have 5k to 6k engaging and talking....and in that corner that little buy from us (FACEBOOK) window would flash....hmmmm

Now today We are formally been restricted from receiving any new fans and all buttons pointing to our page have been disabled....because our fans who share our page are coming from  a source other than Facebook bought likes.....How could this be I thought we follow the rules what have we done wrong ...I appealed:

Here is what I said:

I am appealing this due to the fact that we do not buy our likes we  have a large team of models over 40 to be exact, we have a healthy fan base which we grew organically.  I find your rules to

be  contradictory and are unfair and deceptive.  While we do not buy likes from an out side source we do have a web page, and a blog, and our fans come from that outside source which again are organically grown, however you are restricting our fans by not allowing them to filter through because they were not BOUGHT FROM FACEBOOK, you first put a restriction on our page from the 26th of may until June 26th now we have a new restriction until the 3rd of June.  Again we have done nothing wrong our ladies are of color which seems suspect we are clothed nor are we doing a sex act,yet you allow playboy hustler and various pages show unclothed women porn to spam our private pages daily, but a black owned company, with black models who follow the rules you have restricted this seems to me SMACK OF RACISM and Guerrilla Tactics and extortion in order to get our page the equal time that far worse pages that are NOT of color or blatant pornography the free reign.  We believe this was done with prejudice.   

However Facebook denied our appeal ....and as punishment for speaking out added new restrictions we can not post pictures now either....FOR SHAME

FACEBOOK IS FAKE-BOOK....AND NOT GOOD FOR THE SMALL BUSINESS OWNER.....a 30 dollar a day budget for advertising on their site might be small to some firms but as a small business owner that is huge fees in advertising.     So We have not argued any more we have been promoting on Twitter and Google, we know not to Promote on Instagram because Facebook owns that and your pictures and can sell them if they feel like it.........So Back to the drawing board.......but one thing is for certain FACEBOOK sure was a better social world when it was privately held

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