Thursday, June 27, 2013

Boot Camp Corner: Perception

 Boot Camp Corner:

Explore the inner  thoughts  of the NN Boot camper as they make their journey to becoming Notoriously Naughty Certified.


Defined as the ability to 'become aware of, know, or identify by means of the senses', perception could be looked upon as a gateway to knowing a person. One may use their eyes to gaze upon you from afar to determine your worth. Others may glean much about you by your speech pattern or the sultry cadence of your voice. Some rely upon their sense of touch or smell to inquire about your innermost habits.
As women it is important to acknowledge the power of perception in our everyday lives. How our work ethic is perceived often plays a role in job promotions or a raise In pay. How our children perceive us as mothers can play a major part in shaping them into secure, self-sufficient adults. But there is one place where we as women should be excited and eager to bend the will of perception to fit our needs, our wants, and our desires. That time set aside with your significant other, one on one, is where you can be perceived as anything you wish. Playful costumes, a flirty foreign accent, colorful bedroom decor are all integral factors in role playing. You can be perceived by your mate to be anyone ranging from an innocent French maid to a sexy leather-clad dominatrix.
Yes ladies, we as women have power in what lies between our thighs. But we hold so much more power in our minds. This week I challenge you to engage your most deep, primal thoughts and creativity to explore how many different ways you can twist and mold YOUR power of perception. Be sure to involve each and every sense: sight, touch, sound, smell... and my personal favorite, taste. Enjoy! 

Prissy  Crissy

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