Thursday, August 15, 2013

Plus Size, My Size, Fun Size

Plus Size, My Size, Fun Size

In our world the average size of a woman is a size 14.  I hear many Plus Size women say all they want to do is blend in. Well I am here to let you all know that being Curvy, and Plus Size is NOT about blending in it’s about STANDING OUT! Break out of the shell that you should be embarrassed about your weight and shape. We are no longer in that day and age where a size 2 is the only size considered sexy and acceptable. As a Plus Size model it’s my job to bring out the sexy and exude nothing but confidence and self-love. I want women of all sizes to see my work and say to themselves I am sexy, I am beautiful and I love me!
There are three points I want to touch on in this article that will help you develop and concentrate on a greater sense of self-love. 1) It’s made in your size, but is it right for you 2) Make-up not Cake-up and 3) Self-Esteem it’s all in how you perceive it! I am coming from a place of love and if I inspire and educate just one woman who reads this or one man who encourages his sister, wife or girlfriend then that’s an accomplishment all on its own.
Not all clothing is made for all women just because it’s in your size. It’s all about Fabric and Fit. For example just because they make Spandex leggings in a size 16 does not mean you should wear it because it’s in your size. You should look good, feel good and be comfortable in everything you put on your body. Be selective about your choices. Not everything has to be expensive either. But 9 times out of 10 a higher end fabric will feel and fit your body better than a cheap piece of material! If you have to question whether or not something is a right fit for you and your body type chances are it may not be a fit. I take photos of myself in outfits to determine whether or not it looks good and is a fit for me and my style. Try that or ask a friend or family member that you trust to be honest with you. Just remember this it’s my motto, when in doubt move on to the next outfit!
Make-up is used to enhance the natural beauty that already lies within a woman and it should be used in moderation. If you don’t know how to apply it, there are many tutorials on you tube that you may find helpful or even your local make-up counters in the nearest mall may offer tutorials.  Be sure to choose what’s best for your skin tone and type. I am a huge fan of Mac, Urban Decay, and Lancôme to name a few.  You should not cake it up on your face nor should your colors be over the top unless that’s the look you are going for. As a model I have to be very versatile for the role I am in at any given time but on the regular I choose subtle natural looks. When in doubt switch it up or ask the opinion of someone you trust.
Self-esteem is defined as a person’s own emotional evaluation of self-worth. To raise your self-esteem practice self-care, make new lifestyle choices, be positive about yourself. It’s one thing to have such high self-esteem that you not notice when you need to improve on one thing or another or when you are not kind or caring to others and their feelings. Believe in yourself and try not to focus on the negative things if you feel you can improve do the work. Another person’s perception of you cannot affect you unless you allow it. Change starts from within. Only you can change anything about you that you don’t love! Be in love with yourself, you can and will attract that love that you exude.
Overall plus size is a great size and it’s all about loving yourself and being happy with the person god created you to be. Love yourself

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